Dying Light’s cut epilogue found.

So I was looking in-game files for stuff and to make mods and I found this stuff relating to the end of the game, a epilogue. Not I have beaten the game once but not yet on new game plus so I am not sure if is from New game plus but I sure it’s not mainly since the quest is un finished from what I see. Also beware this will contain HUGE spoilers of what happens in the game and after the game.

Story Parts

So once you defeat Rais and you have the files for cure welp the game just ends you’re on the rooftop and the game ends that’s it. But your guy does say he will take this back to the Camden and see if he can make a cure. He said it might take time or it will take time I forgot which he said but either way.  Well this quest from what info I can get is set after the ending of the current game. But I think it’s not in the game since it was unfinished.

Now for the story parts. So in the quest script it says a small bit about the mission and what happens but it’s only the end of that mission. So what happens is that you go and have made the vaccine. Now you are trying to take the vaccine to the people outside the quarantine. So what this does at least confirm that a vaccine is made going to be made and your objective is to get it out of the quarantine.


So now for the Proof of it if you open the data files you can find it easy. It’s in Data0.pak you can open it with winrar easy. So in the quest folder there are these 3 files in the folder called ‘epilog’ there is the following files.

  • epilog_invoke.scr
    • In epilog_invoke.scr this is what should start it i believe not much related to the story here so we will move on. Here is what it says.
    • !QuestStage( s, s, s )
      QuestStage( "15x02 &Q_TheEnd02_Name& (Q_TheEnd02/TheEnd - Outside Qurarantine - START)", "Q_TheEnd02", "TheEnd - Outside Qurarantine - START" )
  • epilog_main_quest.xml
    • Here is where all of the content i found is. Here is what the file says.
    • <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <!-- TODO, AFTER ALPHA -->
       <!-- quest Q_TheEnd02 -parent=Q_TheEnd01 -glued=true -final=true -->
       <!-- ,BLOCK _ -obj=<<Take vaccine to the people outside the quarantine2>> -->
       <!-- ,goto <<TheEnd - Outside Qurarantine - START>> Marker m_TheEnd_Epilog_01 -distance=5 -->
       <!-- ,debugpos SpawnPoint sp_TheEnd_Epilog_01 -->
       <!-- ,checkpoint _ SpawnPoint sp_TheEnd_Epilog_01 -->
    • As you can see it is talking about the story after the end of the game so i think this was either cut content for dlc and i hope it’s not that or its leftover old story bits the why the  is still there or there at all. Or it could just be that the game was unfinished and will add it in a free update maybe. or i could be wrong on all of this and it is in new game plus mode.
    • It’s also not in the same structure as a normal quest is so that’s why I think it’s not in the game at all.
  • epilog_side_quest.xml
    • There is nothing here at all so there no use of it. Here is all it is there nothing.
    • <?xml version="1.0"?>
       pxsl_line="3" />

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